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Text File | 1995-07-30 | 13.5 KB | 445 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- // This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
- /*
- ************************************************************************
- *
- * Grayscale Image
- *
- * Read an image in the Data Exchange Format
- *
- * which is used to exchange SAT imagery and other weather products
- * within the weather community.
- * The DEF format is a tagged format described in the document
- * Standard Formats for Weather Data Exchange Among Automated
- * Weather Information Systems
- * OFCM / Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological
- * Services and Supporting Research
- * U.S. Department of Commerce / National Oceanic and Atmospheric
- * Administration,
- * FCM-S2-1990, Washington, D.C., May 1990
- *
- * In short, a DEF file consits of a sequence of fields. Each field is a
- * collection of two-byte words. The order of bytes within a word is
- * bigendian (the most significant byte first). A field starts with a
- * standard header that specifies the total field length and the
- * field type (mode/submode). The header is followed by data
- * which meaning depends on the field type as determined by a
- * particular mode/submode. The data may be followed by a checksum.
- * Control fields describe the product, conditions in which it was
- * acquired, and other relevant information. Data fields contain data
- * of the product, say, raster scans of a satellite image.
- *
- * As far as SAT product are concerned, the following sequence of fields
- * is expected within the DEF file
- * Product ID field, mode 1/submode 1
- * Product Def block, mode 6/submode 020
- * [mode 1/submode 5] (field/data widths specs)
- * [mode 1/submode 3] (Additional secrecy info)
- * [mode 6 submode 030] (pixel product def)
- * Data descr block sets
- * mode 6/submode 1 (describing raster scans)
- * End Of Product block, mode 1/submode 2
- *
- * $Id: read_def.cc,v 1.2 1995/03/09 15:48:16 oleg Exp oleg $
- *
- ************************************************************************
- */
- #include "image.h"
- #include "endian_io.h"
- // A 2-byte integer with the guaranteed
- // "Most-significant-byte-first" byte
- // order
- class Word
- {
- unsigned char byte1, byte2;
- public:
- // Convert to a regular int
- operator unsigned short (void) const
- { return ((unsigned short)byte1 << 8) | byte2; }
- operator short (void) const { return ((short)byte1 << 8) | byte2; }
- };
- class DEFTag // A DEF field tag
- {
- char mode; // a combination of mode and submode
- char submode; // codes
- public:
- DEFTag(void) { mode = submode = 0; }
- DEFTag(char _mode, char _submode) : mode(_mode), submode(_submode) {}
- DEFTag& operator = (const unsigned short word)
- { mode = (word >> 8) & 0xff; submode = word & 0xff; }
- bool operator == (const DEFTag& a_tag)
- { return *(unsigned short *)this == *(unsigned short *)&a_tag; }
- operator const char * (void) const; // Give a string representation
- };
- // Give a string representation for a class
- // Returns a ptr to a STATIC string
- DEFTag::operator const char * (void) const
- {
- static char buff[40];
- sprintf(buff,"mode %0o, submode %0o",mode,submode);
- return buff;
- }
- // DEF file is a collection of tagged field
- // Here is a generic field
- class Field : public DEFTag
- {
- friend class StdField; // Standard Field header
- short data_size; // Actual size of the DATA, bytes
- Word data[2048]; // A data part of the field
- public:
- Field(void) : data_size(0) {} // Create an "empty" field
- friend EndianIn& operator >> (EndianIn& fs, Field& field);
- int length(void) const { return data_size; }
- };
- // Read in a field from the file
- EndianIn& operator >> (EndianIn& fs, Field& field)
- {
- unsigned short word = fs.read_short("Reading the 1st word of the field");
- bool checksum_present = false;
- unsigned short checksum = 0;
- int length_words = 0; // Data size in words
- if( (word & 0xc000) == 0 )
- checksum_present = true,
- length_words = (word & ~0xc000) - 1 - 1 -1; // length, mode, and cs words
- else if( (word & 0xc000) == 0x4000 )
- checksum_present = false,
- length_words = (word & ~0xc000) - 1 - 1; // 1 word length, 1 word mode
- else if( (word & 0xc000) == 0xc000 )
- _error("Can't handle a field w/o a length");
- else
- _error("Invalid flag in the 1st field of a word %04X",word);
- field.data_size = length_words * sizeof(Word);
- if( checksum_present )
- checksum = word;
- word = fs.read_short("Reading mode/submode");
- if( checksum_present )
- checksum += word;
- *(DEFTag *)&field = word;
- assert( field.data_size >= 0 );
- assert( field.data_size < sizeof(field.data) );
- if( !fs.read((char *)field.data,field.data_size) )
- _error("Dying because of I/O error above",
- (perror("Field data read error"),0));
- if( checksum_present )
- {
- register Word * dp;
- for(dp=field.data; dp < field.data + length_words;)
- checksum += (unsigned short)*dp++;
- checksum += fs.read_short("reading the checksum");
- assert( checksum == 0 );
- }
- return fs;
- }
- // Standard Field header, from which
- // particular product field inherit
- class StdField : public DEFTag
- {
- public:
- const enum Length_type { Exact_length, Min_length };
- private:
- const int length_words; // Length of the field in words
- Length_type length_type;
- char data[0]; // Data follow immediately after
- protected:
- StdField(const DEFTag tag, const int _length, const Length_type _ltype)
- : DEFTag(tag), length_words(_length), length_type(_ltype) {}
- void operator = (const Field& field);
- void load_from(const Field& field);
- };
- // Assignment of a field
- void StdField::load_from(const Field& field)
- {
- assert( *(DEFTag *)this == field ); // Make sure the field assigned is
- // really of the type we expect
- if( length_type == Exact_length )
- assert( sizeof(Word) * length_words == field.length() );
- else
- assert( sizeof(Word) * length_words <= field.length() );
- memcpy(data,field.data,field.length());
- }
- /*
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Specific blocks for SAT products
- * Constructor assignes default values to be used if the field isn't
- * specified in the input stream
- */
- class ProductIDField : public StdField
- {
- // Contents of the data field
- char originator[4]; // Facility that has generated product
- char classification; // secrecy stuff
- char retention_time; // in days, -1 or 0 means dummy
- char file_indicator; // Code of the originating agency
- char catalog_no[4];
- char time_generated[3]; // e.g., in hrs
- char misc_id[2]; // See App. C, Table C2-1
- // Time the file was generated
- Word year; // full century year, in binary
- char month, day, hour, minute;
- public:
- ProductIDField(const Field& field);
- operator const char * (void) const; // Give a readable description
- };
- // Assign from a generic field
- ProductIDField::ProductIDField(const Field& field)
- : StdField(DEFTag(1,1),11,StdField::Exact_length)
- {
- load_from(field);
- }
- // Give a readable description of the Product
- // ID. Returns a ptr to a STATIC string
- ProductIDField::operator const char * (void) const
- {
- static char buffer[700];
- sprintf(buffer,"Originator %.4s, classification %c, retention_time %d\n"
- "file_indicator %0o, catalog_number %.4s, time_generated %.3s\n"
- "misc id %.2s, date %d/%d/%d %02d:%02d\n",
- originator,classification,
- (retention_time == -1 ? 0 : retention_time),
- file_indicator,catalog_no,time_generated,misc_id,
- month,day,(unsigned short)year,hour,minute);
- return buffer;
- }
- // Classification Block
- class ClassifField : public StdField
- {
- char title[100];
- public:
- ClassifField(void)
- : StdField(DEFTag(1,3),0,StdField::Min_length) { title[0] = '\0'; }
- void operator = (const Field& field);
- void print(void) const;
- };
- void ClassifField::operator = (const Field& field)
- {
- load_from(field);
- assert( field.length() < sizeof(title)-1 );
- title[field.length()] = '\0';
- }
- void ClassifField::print(void) const
- {
- message("Classification %s\n",title);
- }
- // Field describing bit sizes of other
- // field and their relative layouts
- class DFWidthField : public StdField
- {
- char field_width : 7;
- char cross_byte_boundaries : 1;
- char data_width : 7; // bits for the actual data
- char left_justified : 1;
- DEFTag apply_to; // Mode/submode for which applicable
- public:
- DFWidthField(void)
- : StdField(DEFTag(1,5),2,StdField::Exact_length), apply_to(DEFTag(6,1))
- { cross_byte_boundaries = left_justified = 0;
- field_width = data_width = 8;
- }
- void operator = (const Field& field);
- void print(void) const;
- };
- void DFWidthField::operator = (const Field& field)
- {
- load_from(field);
- assert( field_width <= 16 && field_width > 0 );
- assert( data_width <= field_width && data_width > 0 );
- }
- void DFWidthField::print(void) const
- {
- message("%d data bits within %d-bit field %s byte/word boundaries\n",
- data_width,field_width,
- cross_byte_boundaries ? "crossing" : "within");
- message("%s, applied to tag %s\n",
- left_justified ? "left_justified" : "contiguos",
- (const char *)apply_to);
- }
- // Satellite Product Definition Block
- class SATDefField : public StdField
- {
- public:
- char pi_set; // Background projection on which SAT is valid
- char gi_set; // Grid indicator for which the data is valid
- char sat_id[2];
- Word longit_X; // Longitude X for the base of the product
- char resolution_code; // in 10s of nautical miles
- char sat_type; // 0 - visual, 1 - IR, mixed otherwise
- Word x_max; // no. of pixels across
- Word y_max; // no. of pixels in height
- unsigned char enhance_max; // Needed if pixel enhancement is used
- unsigned char enhance_min; // (limits of the gray-scale look-up referenced
- char enhance_id; // by the enhance_id)
- unsigned char arc_length; // Length of each scanline in tens of minutes
- // of arc
- char x_center, y_center; // Center of the product in units of the grid
- Word latitude; // LAT and LON of the center of the product in
- Word longitude; // hundredths of degree
- unsigned char title_len;
- char title[256];
- public:
- SATDefField(const Field& field);
- void print(void) const;
- };
- SATDefField::SATDefField(const Field& field)
- : StdField(DEFTag(6,020),13,StdField::Min_length)
- {
- load_from(field);
- title[title_len] = '\0';
- }
- void SATDefField::print(void) const
- {
- message("\nSAT image '%s' id %.2s type %d\n",title,sat_id,sat_type);
- message("%dx%d pixels, enhancement code %d, for pixel interval %d-%d\n",
- (unsigned short)x_max,(unsigned short)y_max, enhance_id,
- enhance_min,enhance_max);
- message("Background projection %d, grid %d, base longitude %d\n",
- pi_set,gi_set, (short)longit_X);
- message("scanline resolution %f nautical miles, or %d' of grid\n",
- resolution_code/10.,10*arc_length);
- message("Image center is at (%d,%d) on the grid, or %2.2f LAT %2.2f LONG\n",
- x_center,y_center,((short)latitude)/100.,((short)longitude)/100.);
- }
- // Pixel product definition block
- class PixelDefField : public StdField
- {
- char pi_set; // Define the background projection for the product
- char matrix_code; // Code for standard SAT dimensions
- char scan_code; // Raster scan directions (1 - from top to bottom)
- char pack_code; // Pixel pack code
- public:
- PixelDefField(void)
- : StdField(DEFTag(6,030),2,StdField::Exact_length)
- { pi_set = 0; matrix_code = -1; scan_code = 1; pack_code = 0; }
- void operator = (const Field& field);
- void print(void) const;
- };
- void PixelDefField::operator = (const Field& field)
- {
- load_from(field);
- assert( matrix_code < 64 );
- assert( scan_code > 0 && scan_code <= 2 );
- }
- void PixelDefField::print(void) const
- {
- message("\nbackground grid id %d, pixel matrix code %d\n",
- pi_set,matrix_code);
- message("scanlines go %s packed with method labelled %d\n",
- scan_code == 1 ? "top to bottom" : "bottom to top",
- pack_code);
- }
- // Pixel product definition block
- class RasterScanField : public StdField
- {
- public:
- Word xrow, ycol; // Coordinates of the beginning of a scanline
- Word no_pixels; // in this raster line
- unsigned char pixels [4096]; // Pixels themselves
- public:
- RasterScanField(void)
- : StdField(DEFTag(6,1),3,StdField::Min_length)
- { *(short *)&xrow = 0; *(short *)&ycol = 0; *(short *)&no_pixels = 0; }
- void operator = (const Field& field);
- };
- void RasterScanField::operator = (const Field& field)
- {
- load_from(field);
- }
- main(void)
- {
- EndianIn fs("/projects/r2d2/oleg/IMAGES/packed.700");
- fs.set_bigendian();
- Field field;
- fs >> field;
- ProductIDField pid(field);
- message((const char *)pid);
- fs >> field;
- SATDefField sat_def(field);
- sat_def.print();
- RasterScanField scanline;
- PixelDefField pixel_def; // Other fields that might show up
- ClassifField secrecy_fld;
- DFWidthField width_def;
- for(fs >> field; !(field == scanline); fs >> field)
- {
- if( field == pixel_def )
- pixel_def = field, pixel_def.print();
- else if( field == secrecy_fld )
- secrecy_fld = field, secrecy_fld.print();
- else if( field == width_def )
- width_def = field, width_def.print();
- else
- _error("Unexpected tag %s",(const char *)*(DEFTag *)&field);
- }
- // Check out that we can handle that image
- IMAGE image((unsigned short)sat_def.y_max,
- (unsigned short)sat_def.x_max,8);
- for(; !(field == DEFTag(1,2)); fs >> field)
- {
- scanline = field;
- register int i;
- // message("xrow %d, ycol %d, %d pixels\n",(unsigned short)scanline.xrow,
- // (unsigned short)scanline.ycol,(unsigned short)scanline.no_pixels);
- for(i=0; i<(unsigned short)scanline.no_pixels; i++)
- image((unsigned short)scanline.xrow,(unsigned short)scanline.ycol+i)
- = scanline.pixels[i];
- }
- image.display("image");
- }